Celebrate the Supreme Court ruling

The Supreme Court today struck down anti-sodomy laws. There will be events this afternoon all over the country to celebrate. Show up and hand out flyers for Dean! Here are two flyers you can use:

UPDATED FLYER: We have two updated versions of the one-page PDF of a flyer posted earlier. These versions include Dean's statement today (see below) plus the quotes from Dean on civil unions on the earlier flyer. Thanks to Jennifer for putting her graphic design skills to use on short notice! Here are version one and version two.

A more detailed two-page PDF of his views on equal rights for all.

Here's Dean's statement from the official blog:

WASHINGTON, DC - "I applaud the Supreme Court ruling in the case of Lawrence v. Texas overturning the Texas anti-sodomy law. This decision marks a significant advance toward achieving equal rights for all Americans. For too long, laws like this have divided us by race, by gender and by sexual orientation. As a Governor who worked hard to protect the rights of gay and lesbian couples, I am extremely pleased with the Supreme Court's ruling.

"Every American, regardless of sexual orientation, should be afforded the right to privacy. The Texas anti-sodomy law was nothing less than government-sanctioned intolerance and discrimination. The fact that President Bush defended the law while he was Governor shows that he is not the uniter he claims to be."
These flyers may get even wider use than we expected. This weekend there are also eight major Pride events where Dean volunteers will be out in force this weekend. Click on the city name for more information.

Twin Cities, which is the 4th largest Pride in the nation with an expected 400,000 people. MN volunteers will have a booth & will be marching in the parade!

Atlanta, which is expecting 300,000 people. GA volunteers are having a fundraiser on Thursday, they are sharing a booth with another group during pride, & are having a post-pride party.

Other cities: Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, New York City (all week long), Seattle, St. Louis


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