Why We Love TAPPED

TAPPED has done a wonderful job of improving the connotations surrounding their name (e.g. "The keg is tapped."). And they're keeping up the good work, with posts like this:

...the DLC is changing the subject. It wasn't attacking Dean for his tone or style on the campaign trail. It was attacking him on substance, on policy. And as such, the attacks were both hypocritical and off-base.

and this:

If Bradley was modifying Chafee, and Chafee was working off Butler, and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean is now building on Bradley, doesn't that mean that Howard Dean is relying on an idea originally developed by the Heritage Foundation?

And, more importantly, how does that make him, as the Democratic Leadership Council has alleged, part of "the McGovern-Mondale wing" of the Democratic Party?
It's a pretty impressive sign of how desperate the DLC is to derail Dean that it's now accusing him of being too liberal for the party at the same moment that he's smartly co-opting and building on a plan that was developed at the Heritage Foundation, introduced as legislation on numerous occasions by moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats, and that's backed by the current president.
Al From may disagree. But it sounds pretty New Democratish to us.

and this:

ABC's The Note, er, notes that back before Howard Dean began stealing the thunder from Al From's preferred candidate (presumably the tepid Joe Lieberman), the Democratic Leadership Council was full of praise for the former Vermont governor. And indeed, the magic of Google makes you realize just how dishonest the DLC's recent hamfisted attack on Dean was.

That's good, All-American fun. Now, the only question is, when does the DLC go after the Prospect for being divisive? It's not like they've ever liked eachother much from what I can tell.


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