Dean TV

We have a new video Dean resource, called Dean TV. Here's an introduction by Heath Eiden: is an independent site for independent thinking people. It's a resource for those who are sitting on the fence waiting for a leader to emerge from a list of candidates; a leader who is not afraid to take the road less travelled and show up to the debate Bush is having with himself.

Vermont has a special place in history when it comes to independent thinkers, including Democrats, Republicans and Independents. As offers evidence and research about Vermont's independent tradition, the site asks the community to consider whether or not Dr. Dean is leading in the same spirit as those before him.

Please be patient as the site is still in its early stages and may be harder for some to access than others as we go through a trial and error process. But for independent thinking people wondering who Dr. Dean is and whether or not he's for real: tune in to

Heath Eiden, Publisher

This is a great site to point potential Dean supporters towards to seal the deal. Check it out!


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