Block Extreme Judges

Some talk has occured recently of finding ways to assure the DNC that Dean supporters stand with them and that we are a united party. So far, it's been a lot of talk, with few of us figuring out concrete steps. Well, Sam Flaxman emailed me today with an idea worth trying: signing the DNC's petition opposing extremist judicial nominees.

But don't just sign it. In the comments section, tell the DNC that you are another "Dean Democrat" who stands opposed to Bush's extremist judicial nominations.

Read the Petition:

The United States Supreme Court is the backbone that upholds American values.

These cherished American values are at risk if one or more Supreme Court Justices retire this summer. Civil rights, a woman's right to choose, environmental protections, public education, workers' rights, and much more are threatened by a right-wing court.

President Bush has already built a record of nominating extremist, ultra-conservative judges to the federal bench.

I stand with and support Democratic leaders in the fight to oppose ultra-conservative nominees to the nation's highest court.

And sign it.


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