The media vs Howard Dean

Dean is getting Gored by the media. We have been documenting this in detail on Dean Nation for over a year, and launched the Dean Defense Forces as a response to this assault. But playing defense is not enough, which is why Atrios' encouragement of the Adopt a Journalist. We need to play offense, and follow the lead of Bob Somerby's The Daily Howler in being aggressive about pointing out and responding to egregious abuse by the media as they continue their gotcha game.

Salon's piece is essential in making our colleagues who don't support Dean understand that this isn't a Dean-specific phenomenon. They Gored Gore, they are Gore-ing Dean, and they are gearing up to Gore Clark. Unlike Clark supporters, I am not calling for "unity" right now - we need the Democratic candidates to earn their stripes by demonstrating they can take the heat from each other. But there needs to be a united front against the media bias instead of a crass opportunism (such as that by Kerry and Leiberman).

This Salon piece is going to be essential reading for all of us. It's comprehensive, it's well-researched, and it's unambigous. Eric Boehlert has done a tremendous service to us (and the eventual nominee) by writing it and it's important that we all read it in full, without excerpts, right now.

NOTE: the article full text has also been archived on the UNMEDIA list if you can't get into Salon.


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