Why I am supporting Barack Obama

I have laid out the case for why I am voting for Barack Obama in as much detail as I could muster. I think there's a lot of room for disagreement and healthy discussion on the issues, and wanted to be specific as to what my support for Obama is based on (not just the "D" after his name alone). I freely confess that I am biased towards Democrats in general, but that bias is effect, not cause, of my principles and beliefs and positions on the issues, and they form the basis of my judgement here. I do hope someone else makes a similar detailedcase for support of McCain in response because I think these are useful.

It's not directly relevant, but I think this earlier essay of mine, reflecting on what 9-11 and the 2000 election portended for America from a civic perspective, is useful in providing some context to my worldview.

If you agree with me that Barack Obama is the change we need, then please join me in making a small contribution to his campaign:


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