Obama Derangement Syndrome

Given the remarkable assertion that the Left is insane, offensive, and totally without moral restraint, whereas the Right is beyond compare as scions of civil discourse, and any evidence to the contrary of either is utterly non-representative, let me offer some counter-examples culled from sources that I believe we can indeed reach consensus on as representing the "mainstream" right.

Obama had a gay love affair (front page post by RedState.com Editor)

Obama's memoir was written by William Ayers (recommended diary at Redstate.com, post at The Corner @ National Review)

Obama's got something to hide regarding his birth certificate (user diary at RedState.com, promoted to front page by Editors)

Obama's got "ties" to Osama bin Laden - Virginia GOP Chairman Rick Frederick

Obama guilt by association with Marxists, Communists and Terrorists, Islamic Radicals.

Obama was a drug dealer (Dan Riehl)

Obama desecrated the memory of the victims of 9-11 because of how he placed flowers at Ground Zero (Michelle Malkin)

Obama Waffles - depicting him with exaggerated racial features and an Arab headdress on the box - do brisk sales at the Values Voter Summit, co-sponsored by American Values and Focus on the Family Action.

Obama supported a genocidal dictator in Kenya (Atlas Shrugs)

Obama is a pedophile sympathizer and wants to teach sex ed to kindergartners (actual McCain campaign television ad)

And of course there is the mass, vicious, visceral, racist anger and threats against Obama at McCain campaign rallies, in response to Palin's insinuations that "Our opponent ... is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country." The GOP base thinks Obama is an Arab, a terrorist, and "still has the muslim in him". The Secret Service is investigating shouts of "kill him" from one crowd at a Palin rally.

The narrative on the right has coalesced. Obama is a dangerous, immoral, radical leftist cipher who harbors secret communist designs and terrorist sympathies, and his victory in November will be ilegitimate and stolen (after all, "they" are already stealing Ohio).

UPDATE - a picture is worth a thousand words.


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