Wright turn in Indiana for Clinton

I hate to pessimistic or cynical, but I think the nutty Pastor achieved his goal of payback to Barack Obama by sufficiently muddying the waters to cost Obama the Indiana primary. The recent Rassmussen poll numbers show a cratering of support for Obama there after Wright repudiated his repudiation. It remains to be seen whether Obama's unequivocal re-repudiation of Wright will let his numbers recover, but I think in a race as close as Indiana that barring a slipup or scandal from Clinton, even the slightest molehill can play a mountainous role. Clinton is taking some well-deserved heat on one thing or another but plant closings and foreign jobs and whatnot don't have the raw emotional resonance of a Crazy Black Man.

As Trippi has argued, Clinton's real focus is on North Carolina. At present Clinton still hasn't broken through a ceiling of 44% support there, but coming off a win in Indiana, the momentum might well change.

Ultimately though this still boils down to the superdelegates. Even a Hillary win in every remaining primary by 10 points won't be enough to close the gap.


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