A gallant experiment ends

Josh Trevino is leaving SwordsCrossed. I think that's terrible news. SC was a great experiment in genuine dialog and respectful debate. Regular Dean's World commentator TallDave will be one of the new writers there, and I wish him well. However with Trevino's departure I think that the diversity of disagreement is diminished - something is now lost that can't be regained.

For what it's worth, I think that Obsidian Wings is still a good source of respectful cross-partisan conversing. Charles Bird in particular is a man I respect and who I'd even invited to guest post at Dean Nation on occassion. And John Cole's Balloon Juice is a duet, with John as the moderate conservative and his friend Tim as the moderate liberal. However, none of these sites quite fill the void left by SwordsCrossed - an actual debate on chosen topics, with responses in turn.

I salute Armando and Trevino and hope that SC finds a life of its own. But I also hope that we see more experiments like SC in the future.


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