Tom Coburn: Howard Dean of the right?

I think I detect a similar pattern here - see my RedState diary for details.

I should clarify that I don't really care about Coburn being elected or not to the Senate - unlike most Daily Kos readers, I'm not on the Democrats Always Rule train. I don't think I know enough about Coburn to assess whether he really is a right-wing wacko r whether he's just coming off that way. We complained about the media filter alot around here when it made our guy look like a leftist moonbat - one has to at least acknowledge the possibility it works in reverse too.

My larger point is that Coburn seems to have the same ability to torpedo himself that Dean displayed. Remember Dean's refusal to open his Vermont records? Remember Dean's Confederate Flag in Pickup Trucks comment? We defended him as best we could but he did damage to himself. Coburn strikes me as remarkably similar in his tendencies.


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