One Nation, Indivisible

In an earlier open thread, Generational Storm wrote:

I'm just wondering if any of you are as frustated as I am by the disdain that some people in the DFA movement have for "conservatives".

Pravin also commented,

I would like to see the Dean movement not wedded to a rigid idealogy. There should of course be some common principles - like accountability, transparency in goverment, compassion for your fellow human beings, concern for the environment, security of the country. How you go about accomplishing them should not be wedded to a certain ideology.

what Pravin describes is exactly what Dean preached - facts, not ideology, should determine policy. There's a reason I put Matthew Miller's 2% Solution book on the reading list - it's exactly that kind of attitude towards compromise on idealogy for the sake of *successful* and *effective* policy that Dean exemplified, in his record as governor and in his rhetoric. Its exactly what attracted me to him so much that I founded this little blog :)

I agree with GS that conservative is a bad word to many Dean supporters, but remember that many Dean supporters were drawn to him solely because he was th eonly one speaking out against the handling of the war. Their attitude shouldnt concern us as much as the general goal of forging a new identity independent of these labels.

I've definitely decided I am going to launch a Scoop site after the election. Not prior, because its too acrimonius an atmosphere. I was hoping to register but it was taken :( I want there to be a place where Republican, Democrat, conservative, and liberal are all outlawed words and we create a new lexicon for talking about the issues.

I thik we need to do this ourselves. We cant just lament the fate of our current system, we have to heed Dean's lesson, that we have the power. And we have to heed Trippi's lesson, that the power can best be excercised through the amplifier of the Net.


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