Discussion thread: should Dean run again?

I really hope that this discussion gets input from as many people as possible, een gthough I know that many members of our community no longer actively participate online the way they used to.

But in a recent comment, someone mentioned rumors that Dean stated he's run again in 2012. Whats your opinion?

Personally, I think that Dean's work on DFA v2.0 is important. It wont pay dividends until probably 2012 anyway - but I have a feeling that Dean, amazing candidate that he is, would be as divisive a figure were he to run as Hillary Clinton. Even if that divisiveness is manufactured or unfair, I still think it's important to look for someone who both sides of the current partisan divide can look at and say, "well, I can disagree with him and still spport him."

Of course the right wing machine will try to paint ANYONE they oppose as a threat to America's existence, but as a firm believer in the rationality of the general public, I think there's only so much mileage to be gained from those tired old tactics.

I thinka new era of politics is dawning - one fueled by hyper-information access and true grassroots influence (as exemplified by DFA and the forces Trippi talks about in his new book). Dean helped us cross that threshold, but wouldnt his running drag us back?


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