Octavius No More?
Howdy Dean Nation, how ya'll been? I'm dragging my kool-aid drinking ass out of retirement, and here's why.....
Despite Wayne's misgivings, Edwards was the only choice for Kerry's veep pick.
Let's face it, Gep is an uninspiring disaster who lead the Dems into perpetual minority status in Congress. I was rather troubled by reports that Kerry was poised to pick Dick, and fortunately, my troubles were for naught.
Why is Edwards the one and only? Well, he was, by and large, or so it seems to me, the #2 choice for the Dean folks, and was at the top of the list for Dean's #2 when us starry-eyed kool-aid sippers had Dem convention stars in our eyes. He will, more than any other possible choice, solidify the base.
It's worth noting that in a recent poll....
I have not been enthusiastic about Kerry, as my lack of posts here at Dean Nation demonstrates -- Edwards was certainly the shot in the arm I needed. I will start posting again, I will walk precincts, I will amp up the adrenalin. Moore's 9/11 helped, but this was what I really needed.
Praise Edwards! Perhaps we are not doomed to four more years of Octavius Bush, and perhaps The Republic will be saved!
Backbone Award to John Kerry...finally!
Ipso Facto: From Kos, an NBC poll shows that....

Let's face it, Gep is an uninspiring disaster who lead the Dems into perpetual minority status in Congress. I was rather troubled by reports that Kerry was poised to pick Dick, and fortunately, my troubles were for naught.
Why is Edwards the one and only? Well, he was, by and large, or so it seems to me, the #2 choice for the Dean folks, and was at the top of the list for Dean's #2 when us starry-eyed kool-aid sippers had Dem convention stars in our eyes. He will, more than any other possible choice, solidify the base.
It's worth noting that in a recent poll....
...John Edwards as the Democratic vice presidential candidate is being viewed favorably by most American voters, according a new poll, although they do see the one-term senator's limited experience in political office as a liability.Yes, folks, that means that Edwards, right out of the gate, is more popular with reservations than Cheney is at all. Wow.
A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, taken Tuesday, found that 64 percent of registered voters surveyed called the choice of Edwards excellent or pretty good, while [only] 28 percent termed it only fair or poor. Seventy percent said they were either enthusiastic or satisfied by the choice, while 19 percent described themselves as dissatisfied or angry.
By contrast, registered voters in the poll were more sure, and more divided, when asked how they felt about Vice President Dick Cheney. His favorable rating was [only] 43 percent, with 44 percent viewing him unfavorably and 13 percent unsure.
When asked about Edwards' limited experience in office -- a point Republicans are hammering home -- 55 percent said it was a weakness, while 40 percent called it a strength. However, 57 percent still said they thought Edwards was qualified to serve as president if called upon to fill the office, compared to 29 percent who said he was not.
I have not been enthusiastic about Kerry, as my lack of posts here at Dean Nation demonstrates -- Edwards was certainly the shot in the arm I needed. I will start posting again, I will walk precincts, I will amp up the adrenalin. Moore's 9/11 helped, but this was what I really needed.
Praise Edwards! Perhaps we are not doomed to four more years of Octavius Bush, and perhaps The Republic will be saved!
Backbone Award to John Kerry...finally!
Ipso Facto: From Kos, an NBC poll shows that....