GOP desperation: Dean's Incest Vote

Desperation is the new theme of the GOP mindset going into the conventions. Here, they attempt to smear Dean, and then link that smear to Kerry by the fact that Dean will speak a the convention. They even have a handy graphic to let you know how evil and incestous Kerry is, seen sharing an incestous laugh with that nefarious Dean (darling of the majority Democratic lunatic base, you know...) :

Consider his incest vote.

In 1983, a Vermont legislator named Elizabeth Edwards introduced a bill to allow a 65-year-old woman to marry her 86-year-old maternal uncle, despite incest laws banning the match. Edwards, a Republican (only in Vermont, kids!), figured that incest laws were primarily about preventing defective offspring, and her neighbors Ramona Crane and Harold Forbes were too old to bear children. "They're a super-neat couple who don't have any money, and they just have each other, and I think they should be able to get married if they want to," Edwards told United Press International for a February 23, 1983, story.

The bill passed the state House 73-67 with Howard Dean, who was elected to the legislature in 1982, voting for the exemption from the incest laws. The bill went on to the Senate, where it met a firm rebuke. A Senate committee voted 5-0 not to take up the measure. The committee's chairman, Republican Allen Avery, explained, "It's setting a bad precedent. Once you do it for the Forbeses, you have to do it for others. There certainly is not any support among members of the Senate to deal with it."

These guys got nothin'. As Kevin Drum points out, they are even afraid to put a name on this piece - it's been generically bylined "NRO Staff".


Anonymous said…
not sure, but incest is evil!

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