Keep Rumsfeld

You know, it's hard for me to sign onto the movement to force Rumsfeld tor resign. The single biggest reason is because I don't think the buck stops at the Secretary of Defense - I hold the President accountable for failures of leadership. Bush didn't know of the Abu Ghraib torture until seeing the pictures on television. By calling for Rumsfeld's resignation, we are giving Bush yet another avenue of escape from his responsibility. And should we succeed, then the Case will be Closed as far as the public is concerned - especially after the barbaric beheading of Peter Berg. Already the White House is refusing to release the additional torture photos - firing Rumsfeld would ensure they never see the light of day.

I'm willing to wait until November for Rumsfeld - and the entire Administration - to be fired. Our country will be better for it. And by keeping Rumsfeld on-board, the current (and assuredly temporary) diligence of the media in keeping a focus on the Administration's failures of command will continue.

Every day that Bush-Cheney-04 spends defending Rumsfeld is one day they can't smear Kerry. Rumsfeld's time will come. As will Bush's himself.


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