Bob Faust for Congress

Bob Faust is running for Congress in CO-4. Here are some of his issues:

"Faust Health Care Plan" is a basic foundation for a National Preventive Health Care Program that will ensure ALL Americans have health care coverage

the Equal Rights Amendment should be "given new life" and expanded from addressing only gender - to include race, ethnicity, age, nationality, religion, heritage, and sexual orientation.

Our government must not only be fiscally responsible in its taxing and spending, it must also assure all people are called upon to contribute in a manner that is consistent with the principles of equality and impartiality.

Faust is a Republican. I've long argued that a progressive agenda is completely consistent with conservative values - for example, nationalized health care (if done properly) can be a huge relief to small businesses and provide for job growth, by removing the burden of benefits from their shoulders. Faust is doing hard work in trying to stake a position on these issues within the bounds of conservatism and it's a thanksless task for which he no doubt is labeled a RINO by his party peers.

The challenge to us who believed in Howard Dean's vision of a single, united America is to look past the (R) after Faust's name and recognize a kindred spirit. You can't build a bridge without an opposite side to reach towards.


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