the end of an era?

These are strange times for the Dean netroots. Dean's new organization is (rightly) focused on real-world activism and participation in politics, relegating the Internet infrastructure to a support and logistics role. Trippi's new organization CFA is running in stealth mode, mainly consisting of daily news roundups by Joe Drymala at the CFA blog. And Dean Nation is in a kind of limbo, since Dean himself isn't making much news of late - according to Kos, he walked out halfway through Kerry's speech at the Unity Dinner (UPDATE: because he had a plane to catch, according to Jerome), and according to the o-blog, he will be on CNBC tonight at 7pm EST.

What really matters to me most is the community we built here. I found this site to have great value to me, because of the active discussion that took place in the comments, the links-fest at the Zonkboard - even the trolls have a familiarity to them now :) We even have a pet barking moonbat! Does this site have continuing value in the light of the Dean era's closing? Do we have a role to play in the debate, is there a nuche that we fill that other sites don't?

These are indeed partly existential questions. That's why I want your input. open thread!


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