Dean claims 34 delegates from Super Tuesday states

Thus far the count from CNN is pretty good - 15 from Vermont of course, but also 13 from California (despite only getting 4% of the vote, and 3 from Maryland with 3%. I think we can lay the Trippi thesis to rest now). Plus a few pickups in other states.

Kucinich earned some delegates in his home state, but unlike Dean could not beat Kerry on home ground, though he essentially campaigned only in Ohio in prep for the big day. And Edwards could not win Geirgia, and will withdraw from the race.

All in all, the outcome was a huge validation of the Dean Delegate campaign. Super Tuesday showed that there is a strong reserve of Dean support out there that will materialize and even win states without an active campaign. Imagine what we can achieve when DFA v2.0 is launched! And, the argument that we need to vote against Kerry and for Edwards turned out to have been equally futile. Any Dean supporters who voted Edwards thinking that he had a chance to dethrone Kerry were fooling themselves with the same logic that we applied to Dean himself in the face of the DNC-engineered Kerry momentum out of NH and IA.

The airwaves in Texas are full of lamentation about how Texas doesn't matter now. How wrong! Texas can still vote Dean. Kerry will win the nomination without our help, so let's send a message to Kerry - we will vote with our heart comre July and with our heads come November.


UPDATE: My apology to all for my error - the delegate totals from Super Tuesday states listed above include the superdelegates that Dean had already amassed. However, the count of delegates is accurate - I've edited the title accordingly.


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