This is the time for deeds, not words

The line in the sand has been drawn, and we must marshall our resources for this stand. If it is our last stand, let it be glorious. If in the end Wisconsin chooses Kerry over Dean, we can guarantee at least that Kerry will have had to fight for that honor.

We are only a few scant thousands away from having raised $40,000 for Dean. I have raised our Dean Nation goal to $45,000. Can we, Dean Nation, raise over $5,000 in two weeks? WE MUST. I have posted appeals to this blog for over a year to raise funds, for all of us to join the ranks of Dean Minutemen and Dean Riders, or even at the very least join the $100 Revolution. Many of you have responded, but many of you remain. THE TIME IS NOW.

WE MUST RAISE MONEY TO WIN WISCONSIN. This is our last stand. This is our Alamo.

Dean has been our candidate. Despite the disappointments of the past month, we must remember why Dean was our first choice. We held Dean to a high standard because we knew he would assume that responsibility and not let us down. We must do no less for him - else the entire idea that this reinvention of politics, the innovation of fundraising apart from the special interest, the very idea that we the People could have the Power to take our Country back - was a massive conceit.

WE must step to the plate as never before and show Dean that there is Power left in the People, and that his crusade of two years was not in vain. If we fail him now, Dean becomes nothing more than Don Quixote, tilting at the windmill of grassroots power, when in fact it was nothing more than an illusion arising from reading the Federalist Papers once too many times.

This is not a referendum on Dean. It is a referendum on US. We must respond to this call - and even if it be our last, we must make sure that we say to our children that yes, we fought for our country with the only tools and weapons we had.

This is your last chance to take your country back. Who will stand with me?

In Les Misérables, Enjolras asks his comrades, the people of Paris: "Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men?". Combeferre joins in, urging "Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me?" Indeed, beyond the barricades there is a world we long to see. The day is at hand, if only we have the resolve to seize it.


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