Judy, Judy, Judy

I've been a longtime fan of Nation-columnist Katha Pollitt but this recent column about Dr. Judith Steinberg Dean -- helpfully and humorously titled "Judy, Judy, Judy" (remind anyone else of John Kerry muttering "Dean, Dean, Dean" or is it just me?) -- is absolutely a must read. And the good doctors make the cover of the magazine, no less. It's like Howard and Judy go to the zoo. How fitting. :-)

Best line in the article (okay, that's saying something):

"The doctors Dean seem to be in need of some tips on togetherness and building a healthy political marriage," opined Maureen Dowd, a single woman who, even if she weds tomorrow, will be in a nursing home by the time she's been married for twenty-three years like the Deans.


Oh ok, one more:

What if the media tried on for size the notion that having an independent wife says something good about a candidate? For example, maybe, if his wife is not at his beck and call, he won't assume the sun rises because he wants to get up; maybe, if his wife has her own goals in life, her own path to tread, he won't think women were put on earth to further his ambitions; maybe, if he and his wife are true partners -- which is not the same as her pouring herself into his career and his being genuinely grateful, the best-case scenario of the traditional political marriage -- he may even see women as equals.



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