Clark about to drop out?

Clark has reportedly canceled a fundraiser for tomorrow. Given his trouncing in both TN and VA by Edwards, it's clear that his Souther Candidate niche has been eclipsed by Edwards in much the same way that Kerry eclipsed his Military Candidate niche.

I don't know if Clark will even be willing to sign on with Dean as a joint ticket, but I sincerely hope that the Dean campaign is approaching him. Dean/Clark offers everything that Kerry or Edwards alone can, and substantially more. Given that Edwards is limited by federal matching funds, we might well be seeing a Kerry/Edwards dynamic soon if Dean beats him in Wisconsin, and so the advantages of Dean/Clark are going to be even more strategically essential.

Let's see what Clark does next. I suspect he will drop out tomorrow, and will lie low until Wisconsin's primary...

(link goes to Ryan Lizza;s Campaign Journal entry from on the road with Clark. The last line's the kicker.)


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