Turning a negative into a positive

By now everyone's had the chance to have some fun at our expense thanks to the Governor's rockin' post-caucus speech. But I think it's pretty cool that the grassroots have taken that moment and turned it into something fun and positive. MTVNews covers the Dean remix phenomena and provides links to some of the remixes as well as an actual video clip of the moment. Watch the clip and you can plainly see Dean isn't angry, especially when he laughs heartily at the end.
As Aziz suggested, I've mirrored the remixes on my web server, and you can grab them all here. Have fun with this; some of the mixes are great, especially the one called "dean2", which IMO should be played at the beginning of every Dean rally from here on out.

And don't forget we've got a trifecta on television tonight. The debate begins at 8pm eastern on FAUX, then Drs Howard and Judy Dean will appear on ABC for a sit-down interview with Diane Sawyer at 10pm eastern, and finally, our candidate makes an appearance on Letterman tonight at 10:30pm 11:30pm eastern. We have three opportunities to make our case to the American public tonight, and I'm hoping we take full advantage of all of them.


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