Five Dollar Friday

WE DID IT! Dean Nation has raised $35,000 dollars for Dean. Bask in the glow of the filled bat to your left.

But this is the start of the Battle for Iowa, and we have a long way to go. I know many of you have responded to my call for Dean Minutemen ($50/month) and Dean Riders ($20/month), but it's still not enough. We had to abandon our dream of raising $5,000 a month every month because we simply don't have enough participation, so I would like to propose something new: Five Dollar Friday!

If you're new to Dean Nation, or to the Dean campaign, and you're just starting to learn about Dean and are joining the grassroots - please make a small donation of $5 to the campaign. It's a miniscule amount, but there is strength in numbers - we have over 2,000 unique visitors a day to this blog, over 75% of which arrive via Google or Yahoo queries.

Please join us! Even if only half of you new visitors to Dean make this small commitment, it can translate to serious numbers for Dean. Please consider feeding our bat! And if you're not ready, that's ok, look around and join us in the discussions and the debates. And Welcome to Dean Nation!


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