February 3 Is Up To Us

I wish Roy Neel had said this more explicitly. But the message seems clear to me nonetheless, and it should be clear to you.

The Dean campaign is going to put its ad money into the February 7 states with the most delegates. February 3 belongs to the grassroots.

I know we "failed" in Iowa, and in New Hampshire. But I have a theory on that.

We were too thick on the ground. We tried too hard. We put too many chips on "red" and, when we didn't win outright, we looked like losers.

Not just Dean. But Dean Nation.

Well this weekend is our chance for redemption. If you live in Missouri, Arizona, New Mexico, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Delaware, or North Dakota, we are all depending on you this weekend.

The Web site has the tools. Voting has begun in most of those states. You can be bringing people to the polls NOW. You can be distributing literature, you can be launching phone trees, you can be e-mailing links to things like Common Sense

You can even, if you choose, add your own negative talking points. It's not being done by Dean for America. It's up to you.

If the grassroots can turn out a better-than-expected showing, if they can win only one or two of these states with no help from Burlington, then the story of February 3 will be about our power, and how Kerry failed.

Get to work, people. You have four days to turn America around.


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