Face Facts

Let us face some facts.

1). This race is not over.

2). Even if Dean loses the nod, our movement is not over.

3). If indeed Dean loses the nod, we, WE, must keep this movement alive.

4). If Kerry gets the nod, his first test of leadership is to bring us in. I predict he might fail -- but if that happens (and I think we still could win -- and will, I pray) I hope he is successful. However, I doubt his leadership. Despite his Vietnam record, this man is a whiny coward (in my view) and that concerns me -- greatly. Much.

5). If, somehow, we do not get the nod (and we may not) I beg of thee -- we must, at all costs, keep this movement alive. We ARE the...

Fiscally Responsible Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party

And yes, Kerry-Heinz, I'll consider leaving ya'll behind -- yes, an unswaying stalwart Dem like me....will do nothing more than vote for you -- you want us Dean folks to lift a finger for you? Overture, overture, again......make it good.

Overture, and sing, sing, sing. A promise or two would help.

Finally, speaking of "electability" -- Dems are having some suicidal thoughts, I guess. Dean, the Leftish Reagan Wild Card, is the ONLY one who could win (except maybe Edwards).

We must fight ever and harder and more relentlessly than ever.

Do you wanna volunteer for Kerry?

Exactly. The time is now, do what you can -- this could, be, perhaps, the only moment in our lives to Take Back America!

What can, what will, you do?

As I've stated in other posts on different topics:


We can win this, if you, YOU! -- will do all YOU can do.


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