Bradley endorsement speech

via the O-blog, is this excerpt from the transcript of Bradley's endorsement of Dean:

In 2000, many Americans in Iowa and New Hampshire and across the country gave me their support, and I continue to consider their confidence a sacred trust.

This year many of them have asked me who among this very capable group of candidates I would recommend. My answer is Howard Dean.

His campaign offers America new hope. His supporters are breathing fresh air into the lungs of our democracy. They're revitalizing politics, showing a way to escape the grip of big money and to confront the shame of forgetting those in need.

When Governor Dean says that his campaign is more about his supporters than about him, he shows admirable modesty, but he sheds light also on why his campaign offers the best chance to beat George Bush. That is, he is tapped into the same wonderful idealism that I saw in the eyes of Americans in 2000 and he has nourished it into a powerful force.

What is that idealism? It is the belief that good can triumph over bad, that principle can defeat expediency, that there's honor in working for a better world, that it's not naive to appeal to the better sides of our nature and it's all right to believe in the people, in your neighbor, in humankind.

head over to the O-blog to read the whole thing! (note, DfA seems to be having some server trouble this morning).


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