Brooks Attacks Dean for Being Politician

No, seriously, that's what the accusation boils down to. Except it's not particularly effective. If I've got the context to all these alleged flip-flops right, they really don't contradict each other. We can't pull out of Iraq responsibly, and we do need to eventually. Brooks neglects to mention the part where Dean tries to repair Bush's diplomatic blunders so we can reduce our commitments there.

I suppose the "Us rural folks" quote was supposed to show that Dean is patronizing toward Midwesterners. Well, I hail from downstate Illinois, not so different from Iowa, and it doesn't bother me. Assuming he got away with it, I think it actually shows Dean's not so full of himself he always has to speak with prefect grammar while looking down on those who don't. And as Josh Marshall points out, Vermont is a rural state anyway, so the "rural folks" part is simply true.

Of course what really takes the cake is Brooks's problems with the fact Dean doesn't talk about his biography enough. True Dean doesn't go into his biography as much as some other candidates. Instead, he talks about the country, and his vision for it, and encourages people to help fulfill it. This is called "leading." Presidents do that sort of thing sometimes. Successful candidates often start early.

Watch and learn, Mr. Brooks. Watch and learn.


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