Statement by Governor Dean on Prescription Drug Bill

From Dean for America...
November 17, 2003

Statement by Governor Dean on Prescription Drug Bill

BALTIMORE--Democratic presidential candidate Governor Howard Dean, M.D., issued the following statement today:

"The Republican Medicare drug bill is a real-life HMO: Huge Missed Opportunity. Instead of taking this opportunity to come together and provide a meaningful drug benefit seniors can count on, Republicans and the White House have put the interests of the drug industry and HMOs ahead of the best interests of older Americans.

"This bill drives seniors out of traditional Medicare into heavily subsidized private drug HMOs. Under this plan, seniors could end up paying more out of pocket than they receive in benefits, and retirees could end up losing valuable drug benefits that they worked hard to earn. And the poorest seniors -- 6 million or more -- would have worse coverage than today, yet be forced to pay more for it.

"Just as with the war, politicians in Washington will be under enormous political pressure -- this time from the White House, drug lobbyists and HMOs who are mounting a full court press to pass this special interest boondoggle. But, just as with the war and NCLB, the damage this bill causes to our seniors will come back to haunt this administration and those who support it for years to come. I urge Democrats to stand up for our seniors and stand strong against the special interests and political pressure. We will have a Medicare prescription drug benefit in this country that works for our seniors only when we change Washington, change presidents, challenge corporate special interests and change the direction of this country."

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