Letters Count!

Dean National Alan Barbour (in Fresno, CA) deserves kudos for getting a Dean Defense letter into the November 3 issue of TIME!
Columnist Joe Klein in "A Rush to War--Now a Rush Out of One? stated that "in the heat of an election...one wonders whether the Democrats will resist the easy demogoguery of a Bring 'Em Home Now campaign" [In The Arena, Oct. 13]. Maybe Klein wonders, but if Howard Dean Becomes the Democratic Nominee, as I believe he will, we already know his position. He has stated unambiguously and repeatedly that since we are now engaged in Iraq, we have an obligation to stay until the country is on its feet. Klein can stop wondering or at least give equal time to speculation that the Bush Administration may adopt a cut-and-run policy in a desperate attempt to rescue the election.
With a circulation of 8 million plus, TIME's is a big one. I just thought it was a good example of the unselfish acts that got us where we are now and what will continue to keep our guy on top. Thanks Alan!

(sorry, the story link went to archives so it costs)


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