I'm Sick of Losing

In calling Howard Dean a racist for wanting the votes of poor whites, Democrats have rejected any hope of victory.

The way to win is, not by changing our stands, but by combining the Progressives we have with the Populists we need to get a mandate.

Populism is a movement of poor farmers and laborers, which began in the 19th century with William Jennings Bryan. But over time those voters were captured for the rich, by calls to religion, to race, and to patriotism.

Howard Dean offers the best chance in a century to recapture these voters. He talks to them plainly. He tells them their leaders are denying education to their children, medicine to their parents, exporting their jobs and sending their best to Iraq with no plan for victory. These are the facts. Then he tells them how Democrats can change all this, if they come over to us, through him.

Howard Dean is saying they can keep letting themselves be manipulated, or take power over their lives.

In making this case Dean tells them the same thing he's telling us, what he's telling everyone -- you have the power.

And remember, every voter we can bring back to Populism counts twice. It's a vote for us, and a vote denied the other side.

Yesterday proves we can't win these people with Bush lite. We certainly can't get there through insults. But we can do it without pandering, without changing our stands on any issue.

And if we don't at least try we're going to be crushed. Howard Dean is the only hope for the Democratic Party in the South.


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