Backbone: Harry Reid; Jellyroll: Zell Miller

This should come as little surprise given last week's wide-spread agreement at Dean Nation.

Reid D-NV made a heroic 8-hour stand on the Senate floor to protest the Republican effort (at the behest of a White House looking to solidify their NEO-CON base for '04) to stage a made for TV political event that showcased their most conservative, right wing judicial nominees: the 4 of 168 that didn't get approved.

When the show started, Reid was one of the most stealthy leaders who blunted the Republican attempt, led by NEO-CON Rick Santorum R-PA, to cry that the only reason they haven't been able to stack the courts with their most right wing picks is because the Democrats aren't "playing fair." Reid had our help to get the polling numbers right on the floor:

Says TNR,
Nevada Democrat Harry Reid noted that when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist conducted a poll about judicial filibusters on his website, the Democratic position won a 60 percent majority--thanks to some well-coordinated mischief, no doubt--before the posted results mysteriously vanished.

With evident delight, Reid also quoted from a GOP email that Democrats had somehow acquired that day.
It is important to double your efforts to get your boss to S-230 on time. Fox News channel is really excited about the marathon. Britt [sic] Hume at 6 would love to open the door to all our 51 Senators walking on to the floor. The producer wants to know, will we walk in exactly at 6:02 when the show starts so we can get it live to open Britt Hume's show? Or, if not, can we give them an exact time for the walk-in start?

In fact, the Repubs may have achieved their goal of communicating through FOX to their conservative base that they are trying (despite an ideologically split nation), but the debate also showed a growing spark in the Democratic backbone as a whole.

Harry Reid took the lead, though. For that he gets the spine award.

Zell Miller: Jellyroll

Without going into great nauseating detail, let's just say it takes a certain kind of audacity for an outgoing "Democrat" to publish a book that's filled with red meat for the salivating FOX viewer just in time for the start of the election season.

If Zell Miller "D"-GA really wanted his "Democratic home" to be saved, he would have worked with the party to consult about the south with the nominee instead of running from it.

I'd have respected a decision to switch parties like Jeffords did, but he didn't. He's retiring. That's usually when you write the book. Not Zell; he's touring with Shawn Hannity and Scarborough after seeing what they did for the likes of Ann Coulter.

For that he gets a really moldy jellyroll.

Be sure to click the links above to their official sites and let them know what you think of their actions!


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