Zonkboard etiquette

I hate to play Nanny around here. Dean Nation is a community and I don't consider myself as the resident Net Mom - we have built this site together by virtue of our ideas and our debates and I am proud to be one of the crowd.

But with admin power comes some responsibility, and given that the ZonkBoard has almost become unusable recently, I'm afraid that I must insist that certain rules be implemented henceforth. I've received a number of emails to this effect as well as many offhand comments in threads.

The ZonkBoard is designed to be a social place - a way to share quick links, to say hello, to share ideas, and welcome newbies. It is NOT for long essays, broken up into chunks of max-char-limit, nor is it a place for dumping piles of links in quick succession. And, above all, DO NOT FEED TROLLS. Please limit ZB entries to quick bites, a link and title, or other **short** content, and please do not submit 5-10 posts in quick succession.

Part of the decay on the ZB is my fault, since I have not been diligent in making open threads avilable. I would like to ask my fellow DeanBloggers to help make sure that we have an Open Thread at least twice a week, not counting topic-specific discussion threads. Hopefully that wuill relieve some of the pressure on the ZB and give people an outlet for their more thoughtful and lengthy ideas and analyses.

For the time being, I am exposing IPs of posts to the ZB. I will also be more diligent in deleting posts that violate these rules, regardless of whether they are from trolls or from dean supporters. I am extremely reluctant to ban anyone at this stage, but will do so if there is significant gross abuse. Please consider this a discussion thread for your ideas on how best to use and admin the ZB and feedback.


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