Southwest Voter Express

All aboard the Southwest Voter Express! Dean National Phillip de Vellis sends us this link and asks us to help plug this site. We're glad to be of help, Phillip. The Southwest Voter Express is being arranged by a group of California Deaniacs who were inspired by the Texas Rangers' trips to Iowa and New Hampshire. From the site:
The Southwest Voter Express is being organized by California Dean volunteers in conjuction with campaign officials in Arizona and New Mexico. You don't need to be from California to come along. Dean supporters from Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Texas and anywhere else are welcome to hop on board. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with free travel to these locations, but our local hosts will give us a place to stay and a warm welcome once we get there. The state directors have purchased voter databases for us to target frequent Democratic voters in each precinct we visit. This is very important activity that consistently produces positive results on election day.
Several car and bus caravans are being organized for Arizona. You might also consider flying to Phoenix on a discount airline. New Mexico is at least a 1 day drive, so most of us will be flying to Albuquerque on Southwest (approx. $220 round trip from Los Angeles). More people will probably go to Arizona for financial reasons, but we strongly encourage those of you who can afford a trip to New Mexico to do so. A Dean victory there would signal his campaign can successfully broaden its base into the growing Hispanic electorate. Gore won New Mexico by only 366 votes in 2000 and lost Arizona by 6 points.

If you can't go to Iowa (or if you're put off by the cold), perhaps a trip to New Mexico or Arizona would be up your alley. Pop over to the site and sign up for their mailing list. Feet on the street, remember?


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