Nickles Won't Seek Re-election; Will Work Against Dean

Today Sen. Don Nickles announced that he will not be seeking another term in the U.S. Senate. This is, of course, a good thing. The part of CNN's story that most interested me was where he stated that he would work against a Dean presidency.
He will work for the Republicans in the coming presidential election and campaign against Democratic candidate Howard Dean, saying that he is concerned Dean would undo tax cut legislation supported by the GOP.

"I don't want him to be elected president," Nickles said about Dean, the former Vermont governor. "I'm going to be very active in the presidential race." Dean is one of nine Democrats seeking his party's presidential nomination.

Does he forget that there are eight other candidates? Does he think that a Dean nomination is certain? Does he think that he'll really have to work and that Bush v. Dean won't be the cake walk that many in his party claim it will?


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