Great Googly-Moogly

Over at Google News, the lower-right corner of the top screen runs a continuing interactive survey.

Labeled "In The News," the box carries the 10 keywords people have been searching for on the site, over the last several minutes.

Over the last week, while the press' attentions have been focused on a supposed "surge" by Kerry, or Gephardt's attacks, or even the futile attempts by Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich to get noticed, there has been one fairly constant factor in that box -- the name of Howard Dean.

Dean's name is in the box more often than George Bush or Saddam Hussein. It's not foolproof. Sometimes you still have to input the name (use howard-dean so you don't get stories about Howard University or Dean Howard from "Animal House") but not often.

It's the best proof of the Governor's standing I can think of. The people are voting with their mice.


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