California Teachers Association Endorses Dean for America

From Dean for America...
October 26, 2003

California Teachers Association Endorses Howard Dean in March Primary

LOS ANGELES--Impressed by his strong commitment to public education and teachers, the top governing body of the 335,000-member California Teachers Association voted overwhelmingly today to endorse Howard Dean in the March presidential primary election.

"This primary election is too important to ignore," said CTA President Barbara E. Kerr. "Our voices must be heard in this critical race. Howard Dean has a long history of supporting public schools and children, and he understands the dangers we face from the federal government's growing influence over our classrooms and how we teach."

The vote was taken by the CTA State Council of Education, comprised of nearly 800 democratically elected teacher representatives from across the state, at the Council's regular quarterly meeting in Los Angeles. Dean addressed the CTA Council on June 1 and received an enthusiastic response.

Kerr noted that Dean shares California teachers' concerns about President Bush's so-called No Child Left Behind Act and the unfunded mandates it imposes on public schools across the nation. He opposes the law's rigid and unrealistic penalties, and will work with teachers to overturn its reliance on standardized tests. He also supports full funding of the federal government's commitment to special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and believes all children have a right to health care.

As governor of Vermont, Dean showed his leadership and created a program that provided health care for every child under the age of 18. He wants to launch a similar program nationally.

"Dean understands the challenges teachers are facing in schools," Kerr said. "He believes that education excellence starts with teachers and he shares our priorities."

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The CTA is affiliated with the 2.7 million-member National Education Association.


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