Big Fat Plug

Dean supporter Ray Minchew of Washington4Dean has created what he hopes will be a safe haven for supporters of the Democratic candidates. Ray writes:
Allright kiddies, enough nastiness! This blog has been created to give the various candidates' bloggers a place to come and hash out their differences. As you all know, we're seeing trolls of all sorts these days. Kerry and Clark people getting trolled by supposed Dean supporters, Dean blogs being trolled by Kerry and Clark people, Kerry getting trolled by Dean and Clark folks...even some Edwards trolls popping up as he picks up steam. I think we've begun to realize that these trolls are the same people, just breeding contempt in our ranks, but too many of us are really beginning to hate one another....
Once we have a nominee, whoever doesn't win is going to need to combine forces, take the organizations they've built and transfer them to the winner. And we're going to need to not hate one another for that to happen. And it's going to start here, on the internet. The bloggers have led the charge this year, and will continue to do so. In all the campaigns, bloggers have moved offline and into Democratic meetings, activist groups and leadership roles. When we have one campaign, the bloggers will still be providing bedrock for electoral activity. If that bedrock's fractured, we're lost. So come in, sit down, hash out your differences of opinion. Remember that you may not like John Kerry as a person, but he's got lots of wonderful, hard-working intelligent supporters who do like him. They're not John Kerry, or Howard Dean, or whoever else you're opposing. They're enthusiastic supporters like you.

Bingo. We're all going to have to come together when the primaries are over. I think that's a sentiment that's been expressed in the various communities from time to time (I've definitely seen it in my lurkings on the Kerry and Graham blogs in particular), but because of the somewhat insular nature of our respective candidate's sites it can be difficult to engage in dialogues with each other.
Perhaps Ray's experiment will foster some good will between the camps. I know there have been times where I've had to bite my fingertips to keep myself from posting over at the Clark or Edwards blogs. So go say hi to Ray, introduce yourself to everyone, and let's play nice.


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