3rd Quarter Fundraising Totals

Let's hear it for the astroturf*! The third quarter fundraising numbers are in. Here's an estimate of how it breaks down.
The largest FEC report ever compiled by a Democratic presidential campaign will contain the following information:
over 14.8 million dollars
168,533 individual donors for Q3
201,000+ donations
YTD: 233,995 individual donors
$73.69 average donation for the quarter
online donation averaged $61.14
offline donation averaged $86.76
79% of donors this quarter were new
15% gave more than once
19,000 gave three or more times in this quarter
over $12 million cash on hand
less than 1% of donors have maxed out

As soon as Dean's statement about these numbers is online, I'll post it. Trippi read it on the call, and it was very powerful, but he spoke too fast for me to transcribe it. And when Trippi was explaining the internet fundraising totals, he used Dean Nation as an example, citing the more than $23,000 dollars this community has raised for the campaign as an example of the power of the netroots. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

update: Here is Gov Dean's statement about the fundraising numbers.

*Remember way back, a long time ago, when we were a little asterisk, and someone called the Deanroots "astroturf"? Yea, we got your astroturf right here, buddy! A special thanks to everyone who continues to donate via our Dean Team page. Together we are strong, and together we will win this race to the White House.


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