Just a reminder

In a time when some people are still making up their mind about their position on Bush's war, remember who it was who said the following on February 21, 2003, a month before the war started:
What I want to know is why in the world the Democratic party leadership is supporting the president's unilateral attack on Iraq!

What I want to know is why are Democratic party leaders supporting tax cuts. The question is not how big the tax cut should be, the question should be, can we afford a tax cut at all with the largest deficit in the history of this country.

What I want to know is why our folks are voting for the president's No Child Left Behind bill that leaves every child behind, every teacher behind, every school board behind, and every property tax payer behind.

I'm Howard Dean and I'm here to represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic party.
(I would have been there in Sacramento if there hadn't been an anti-war march in SF that day.) Sakitume writes:
Whatever you think of Howard Dean, whether you think he should be president or not, he reminded this country that we have a choice, and he did so when President Bush was wildly popular and most Washington Democrats were mum.

Call it the Washington Tea Party. Like the Boston anti-tax revolt, Dean's public act crystallized a rebellion against the established order, the one that quietly suggests it's better not to raise a fuss, because the consequences of ruining a country are less important than the consequences of a ruined political career.
CORRECTION: Dean gave the speech at the winter meeting of the DNC on 2/21. But the California Democratic Party Convention speech in Sacramento, which more people heard about, was on 3/15. The "what I want to know" portion of the Sacramento speech was similar to what he said before the DNC.


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