Felix the Snitch

Speaking of Daily Reads, have any of you checked out the MSNBC Campaign Embeds page? It's pretty cool, and as the primary heats up, I've a feeling these folks are gonna be breaking lots of news. The embed's reports also appear in NBC's First Read, their political unit's answer to The Note though it's hardly a real competitor, not yet -- you can read my mini-review at Points West. The embeds will, and are, popping up on all manner of NBC and MSNBC news programs, including Hardball and others, they are a great bunch of young reporters.

In any event, the Dean Embed is one Felix Schein. Good-looking and cheerful, he seems consistently thrilled to be assigned to the most exciting campaign in modern history. Yes, Felix, that was a little butt-kissing -- sorry. He also was the first embed (that I know of) to break some real news:
The Dean camp was fairly pleased with the outcome of the debate. They conceded that Dick Gephardt was the clear winner, but felt they held their ground and kept their momentum.
These two sentences showed up in news reports far and wide, not just on NBC. In fact, Gephardt sent out a fundraising appeal by e-mail with this quote in it that a Dean National was nice enough to forward over to us at Dean Nation! I had no idea that Gephardt sought Dean's approval to this degree, or that he held Dean's opinion in such high regard! Wow.

From Felix's post yesterday (it reads kinda like a blog):

On a final note, the campaign has dubbed their next major project A September to Remember, Thirty Days That Change Politics. Dividing the month into three 10-day sections, the idea is to build the Dean community in the first 10 days, to work on outreach the second 10 days, and show grassroots strength in the final 10 days, raising money and expanding the volunteer network to 450,000 people being the obvious goals. Of note is Sept. 20, when the campaign plans to place supporters on highway overpasses, on street corners, and in the community with signs. Like the Sleepless Summer Tour, this again will be an opportunity for the campaign to demonstrate the depth of its grassroots network and to make a final push for those third quarter dollars.
I'm sure we'll be hearing quite a bit from Felix the Snitch -- and of course I mean that playfully, Mr. Schein. So welcome, Felix, and a big "hi-how-ya-doin" from Dean Nation! You can check out more on all the MSNBC Embeds here --- and save it as a fave.


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