"Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean..."

Well, the news today is all "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean..." and that 's not all that's "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean..."

Today's Deanesbury here is Dean, Dean, Dean!

And this, from The New York Times:
The dominance that Dr. Dean has enjoyed, and the corresponding exasperation that has caused his rivals, was clear even before the candidates sat down in Baltimore tonight. Senator Kerry was talking to reporters before the debate here, where he was repeatedly questioned about Dr. Dean's standing in the race and things that he had said.

After Mr. Kerry finished his news conference and began walking away with an aide, David Wade, a live microphone picked him up muttering with evident annoyance: "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean."
And a new line of t-shirts, rugbies, thongs, baby-bibs mugs and mousepads over at Cafe Shops:

Now before ya'll yell at me, remember: this site is about all things Dean. I don't make this stuff up -- I just report it back to a Dean Nation. And let's face it, this stuff is just "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean!"

UPDATE: This update has been deleted by the author, as it was needlessly antagonistic. Apologies. - Scott


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