$5M in 10 days!

Think about what we have achieved. Dean Nation alone has collectively raised $20,000 dollars for the campaign, the most of any Dean Team group.

Imagine what we can still achieve. We have had over 430,000 visits to this weblog, currently averaging 15,000 visitors a week. Imagine if everyone reading this post chipped in with only $10, right this instant. Imagine if everyone reading this post decided to send in just $20 a month, every month until November 2004.

We at Dean Nation could collectively raise $3.9 million dollars for Dean alone.

The campaign is seeking to raise $5 million in the next 10 days - and I know that we at Dean Nation can do our part as we have done. This isn't a luxury donation, it's an investment in our future, and the future of our children. It's our way to assert ourselves as We the People, who have been forgotten in the Corporatist takeover of both parties and the country as a whole.

It's our way to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK. One dollar, one day, one week at a time.

Please join us! Contribute via Dean Nation and lend your voice to our chorus. Make a commitment and stand with us as we roar with a voice so great, that Bush trembles beneath its fury, and resolve.

FEED THE BAT! For it is our turn at the plate...


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