Sleepless Summer Tour

Hello Falls Church, Milwaukee, Portland, Spokane, Seattle, San Antonio, Chicago, and New York! I'm posting this as reminder: the Sleepless Summer tour starts this weekend. Make sure you sign up to attend these rallies (you can do so by clicking on the link above).

Now as an aside, can someone with the Seattle group please email me? I am looking for someone who can put me up overnight on Sunday August 24. I've been given the opportunity to travel to Seattle, Spokane, Austin, and San Antonio, but I need to arrange my own accomodations. If you are planning on attending the Seattle rally and you have a spare couch, please let me know. I'm pretty low maintenance. =) If possible, I need a ride to the airport (SEA) on Monday morning as well (8:30 am flight, although I can take a cab if need be). Thanks in advance if you can help!

update As Ken pointed out in the comments section, I left out Milwaukee and Falls Church. I apologize for the ommission and I've updated the post. Thanks, Ken, and sorry 'bout that!


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