OPB interviews Dean

Oregon Public Broadcasting's Colin Fogarty interviews Dean. Oregon was a swing state in 2000 and will be vulnerable again if the Green Party fields Nader. It's a good interview that touches on many of Dean's major talking points, but the most important question is saved for last:

CF: Governor Dean I really appreciate your time, before I let you go I wonder if I might ask you one more question.

HD: Sure.

CF: Politically how important is Oregon in the presidential election? It's late in the primary season, it's only 7 electoral votes and yet it is a swing state in that Vice President gore won it by just 67-hundred votes three years ago. Where does Oregon fit in your political strategy?

HD: It's an important state for us. We should win there. It's a state that's very sensitive to jobs; it has a strong environmental ethic and it's a community that's actually very similar to Vermont. Oregon and Vermont were the two states that pioneered the bottle bill, recycling, and so forth. So we need to win in Oregon and it's going to be an important state for us.

CF: Thank you very much.

Nader was not mentioned, which is wise. But Nader was exactly the reason that the margin of victory was so thin in Oregon.

my vote for Gore in 2000 was actually cast in Oregon, courtesy of a Nader supporter who vote-swapped with me.


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