If you ever want to be floored...

challenge a band of Howard Dean supporters. I've been watching this campaign since last October or so. I became a supporter before the war in Iraq happened. I worried we'd always be an asterisk in the history of American politics. Even if it ends tomorrow, we've rewritten the whole book.

When I saw that the campaign was going to challenge us to raise a million dollars over five days, I thought they might be jumping the gun. Then I saw that before I even saw it at 8:30 MDT, they had already raised almost $100,000. The first day isn't over and we look likely to crack at least a quarter million.

A month ago that was our four-day goal.

Now it's a warm-up.

People occasionally ask me if Dean is peaking too early.

I tell 'em we're only getting started.

Pat yourselves on the back.

Then, stand up and keep fighting.


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