Republicans for Dean

For all of you who are tired of President Bush's governing philosophies, antithetical as they are to ideas of limited government and fiscal prudence, our friend Dennis has created Republicans for Dean, adding to our broad coalition of Americans of all ideologies who are tired of being ruled by an extremist. Go check it out. They can call us liberals all they want, but we know the validity of that claim - we are Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Greens, Republicans, and apolitical observers who are frightened by Bush's policies. We are the most diverse political coalition in memory and, despite attempts to pigeonhole us, we defy definition. We demand a leader who will evaluate policies outside of partisan heterodoxy, who can break lockstep and do what is best for this country rather than what is best for one side's agenda, and we believe Dean to be that leader.

update from Anna I also want to plug Independents for Dean. That link may have gotten lost in the flurry of posts from earlier in the week.


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