Oregonians get it!

Dean supporter Todd Peterson gets a letter printed in the Oregonian, in which he sums up perfectly the message of hope that is intrinsic to this campaign.

While Marie Cocco sees anger on the minds of Democrats supporting Howard Dean ("Put past aside, focus on future," July 8), what I've seen in our local Dean "meet-up" groups could better be characterized as hope.
Hope for electing a new president who really cares for our children and their education, not the unfunded "No Child Left Behind" promises of President Bush. Hope for the elderly and their health care, not "privatized" prescription plans benefiting drug companies. Hope for the poor and their access to jobs, not more tax cuts for the rich in a battered economy.
As an independent voter for nearly 40 years, I agree with Cocco that Dean and the Democratic Party need to focus on "dangers ahead, instead of a debate now past" on Iraq. Otherwise, the hope of electing a trustworthy president to restore America's credibility around the world and revive the U.S. economy will be lost in 2004.

Way to go, Todd! Notice he also identifies himself as an Independent, further validating Dean's cross-party appeal. Karl Rove, fear this!


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