open thread: dream cabinet

We ran a poll a month or two ago to vote on our favorite picks for Dean's Veep, and Wesley Clark destroyed the opposition (Bob Graham came in a distant second, no one else even registered). But why stop there?

After all, a Dean Presidency will have a lot of work to do. Unlike the ideolouges being assigned to every post in the Bush Administration, Dean will have to find the best of the best. And set them to work repairing the damage.

So chime in the open thread as to who you'd like to see serve on the Dean Dream Cabinet! I'll get the ball rolling by nominating Paul Krugman, for the position of Treasury Secretary. His forthcoming book, The Great Unraveling, is a collection of his best columns and new material, clear and principled analysis of how the United States in recent years has lost its way in economic policy. Who's your pick?


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