Nader's run

Ralph Nader buys into the "Dean = liberal" meme:

Speaking to reporters at a breakfast this morning, the 69-year-old Mr. Nader said his decision would depend in some measure on the fortunes of the two current Democratic contenders whose politics appear to most closely resemble his own: Representative Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio and former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont.

Mr. Nader said any growth in support for Mr. Kucinich, among the most liberal members of Congress, would give him "less reason to go into the election — not no, just less."

As for Dr. Dean, Mr. Nader said he liked what the former governor said in speeches but feared that he would ultimately move toward the center to broaden his appeal.

By equating Dean with Kucinich, Nader is doing damage to Dean. And his statement that Dean or Kucinich give him less reason to run is actually a veiled threat - one that the DLC will pick up on out of fear and use to bash Dean even harder. Nader is leveraging the dissension in the Democratic Party to - paradoxically - give him an excuse to run, as the "rightful" progressive (he knows that Kucinich will not win the nomination, and even if Dean wins he can claim Dean "moved to the center"). Either way, Nader insulates himself.

We must widen the gyre - and convince Greens that it is Dean, not Nader (or Kucinich) who can advance their interests.


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