Lessig blog: an opportunity

Below is the text of the comment I posted in response to Dean's latest post on Lessig Blog.

fellow commentators - remember Dean’s last post. It looks like Dean is posting here to ask us about what issues we feel are important, not to tell us what his positions are. It’s clear from his previous post that he is looking for facts upon which to base is policy issues.

We are a resource for him. That means we need to take this rare opportunity to educate a candidate for President of the United States on the issues about IP, copyright vs patents, Eldred, DMCA, SBCEA, etc.

Asking questions of Gov. Dean at this point is counter productive. I know exactly where Seth is coming from because I shared his complaint until Dean’s previous post - when I realized that the purpose of this guest blog was 180 degrees from my earlier assumption.

Here on Lessig blog is a vocal and articulate community on IP issues. Let’s use our knowledge and give Dean the facts he needs.

Asking him what his Veep choice will be or why he enters politics is as much as wasted oipportunity for ourselves. Here we can help shape a possible President’s views on IP and we’re asking him the Friday Five?

We clearly aren’t going to get a detailed policy statement from Dean about IP this week. But if we play our cards right, we might get one before the primary. For once we have the power, which is what the Dean campaign has always been about.


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